Boss gets blowjobs at work by employees on hidden cam



HornyToad420 Fuck yea. I'd love to see more of this fucker. Lol
YuSi ^ same. We definitely need the source of this and more uploads
QuietQuinoid you wont, this is from 2014. I think he was put outta business
MugenUnix WOW, this Muthafucka really was a boss. DAMN...
Dinodick Damn boss
FletchLemonJello I'd really like to know the whole story behind these vids. I wonder what did happen to him.
coyotebird this man needs to be protected at all costs
Pawglover59 Classics
OBLIVION_ This guy is a legend, the thicc milf of the first video is so hot damn what a lucky dude, I want to see more.
[eliminado] Simply beautiful. I have enjoyed a few bosses over the years
tflowers Love these videos!
HORNY310PINOY yeahhh swigers
littledeath03 OP HIDDEN_CAM, blocked.
[eliminado] Diet Coke and a blowjob. Perfect day.
Bi_Han92 One of my favs! This guy is a Legend! Wish there was more!
MedusaMakesMeHard These cocksuckers will probably live their entire lives completely oblivious to how "famous" they are lol
Theeaglewest I hate this fat fuck.
HORNY310PINOY awww what there names?
fuckbeaver GUY IS A FKN LEGEND
OBLIVION_ Would be cool to identify the first thicc girl shes the hottest one for sure...
hotwifemandy wish he was my boss
Daddyshark Fuck, second one with the wedding ring on
[eliminado] I have to do this and it gets me so wet
RioDeanMartinez You know they must have done this so often! 👀
[eliminado] Hehe yes we do we love it
OBLIVION_ I would love to see how the first woman looks currently.
JustinDavies Did they get a raise and a promotion though?
Wayne_503 This guy is truly a office legend. You can tell from the videos that these women probably blew him on a regular basis. Imagine this guy got these everyday in office. Not sure if the first girl actually finished the job :)
Wayne_503 Anyone has more info to share about this guy and his girls?
[eliminado] Such a turn on for me
[eliminado] Gets me wet everytime hehe
JustinDavies I thought only preachers and baptist ministers did this???
OBLIVION_ Subtitles for the first video would be nice
[eliminado] Would make me squirt
mnewhousexxx I've seen it called Herbs Girls before but the second video I think she says "Bye Frank" and she's wearing a Nashville Auto Diesel College shirt. Not sure if it narrows the search.
littledeath03 OP Ey, we hit a million views.
mnewhousexxx Wish the 3rd video was higher quality. I want to see that milfs tits.
JoeJoseph555 I wanna cum on the tits of num 3
Seenher Damn my wife needs to work for him
JustinDavies Legend has it he's in jail sucking in the opposite direction
OBLIVION_ The first milf is perfect, I wonder if theres more of her
letsgodawg the goattt of BJ at work
Jskinny99 These are among my favs…wonder how many he got away with
[eliminado] Stroke to my wife check my page out she is 18 😉
mnewhousexxx This is the earliest I can find any of these videos being posted anywhere. States it was added "Added on: August 17, 2015"
OBLIVION_ Great I need to check that site out
[eliminado] Women always saying how men are cheaters when they do the same shit. Half the women if ever dealt with had had a boyfriend or husband or both. The thing is I never approached them first. All age groups and ethnicities. Although I must say that's 👍
MugenUnix @Macio620, No. just leave that shit outta this. The only relevant part you said was "Although I must say that's 👍"
[eliminado] Understood completely 👍
Mexcawk Fucking Legend
projectblack8888 I wanna my mom will be in her place
xpoza ✊🏿💦💦
tflowers i love these videos, anymore like it?
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